Dr Omer M Hasan, MD, DM, MRCP(IRE)
DNB (Interventional Cardiology)
Former Consultant Cardiologist:
Fortis-Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi
Presently the above set-up being managed by Dr.Omer and his team of about 18 members is located in the premises of NAZRETH HOSPITAL.CIVIL LINES ALLAHABAD covering an area of about 3000 Sq Ft. including the para medical and non-medical Service Facilities. An 8-year agreement has been signed between the Nazreth Hospital Society and the holding Company of Allahabad Heart Centre with a dis-engagement clause involving a 6 months notice from either side.
There is a 4 Bed Cath recovery room facility attached to the Cathlab, which is one of its kind in Allahabad.
Due to increase in foot-fall of Cardiac patients in the Hospital the existing facility has unexpectedly become insufficient. We are scouting for a suitable building in the Civil Lines area and have identified one such "ready to occupy facility* on the Patrika Marg, a prime Commercial area almost in the centre of the Civil Lines. Currently the owner is running a Guest House/Hotel from this building. The building is an ADA approved building with an adequate Power load connection, lift facility, centrally air-conditioned, vehicle parking facility, adequate power back-up facility by a Generator.
The Unit needs to expand in the next 1-2 years and add on the following Medical Units to continue to expand its foot fall and remain as a-leader before other Cathlabs start in the City:
The Cardiac ICU will be on a separate Floor and the Nephrology Facility on another Floor.
The New Cathlab will occupy one Floor.
Each Unit will have its own Ward of requisite size.
All the Service Equipments will be on the terrace of the building
The Land, Building and its present facilities which have been mentioned above would cost apprx.700 Lacs.
The other proposed units would cost approx 200 lacs each.
Note: This Project Profile is based on our experience of 15 months of successful pperation of our present Cathlab.