The Company is promoted by a well-known family with a diverse business interests and strong financial standing. The milk processing unit, located at the outskirts of Allahabad a major town in U.P., has a capacity to process 10,000 Ltrs. per day of milk on four hours working, 2.5 hrs. in 'A' shift and 1.5 hrs. in 'B' shift. The unit employs 25 persons and was set up in early 1998 at a cost of Rs. 8 Million. The main product is pouched homogenized pasteurized Milk. Ghee, Cottage Cheese (Paneer), Butter and Butter Milk are also produced. So far the capacity utilization has been 70%. the town has a population of 1.5 million and with the increasing acceptance of the company's products in the town and it's surrounding areas it is expected to have strong growth potential. As the company's products are well accepted, the company would like to increase it's market penetration by positioning it's product with a renowned international brand.

The company has the assistance of Allahabad Agriculture Deemed University. There  is also technical assistance from Winrock International under the "Farmer to Farmer Programme" of USAID for improving feed production, disease control and nutrition for cattle. The company is also involved in the development of dairy technology and dairy husbandry. A visit by USAID official in August 2000 had commended the work being carried out by the company. This is the third visit  by Winrock experts during the last one year. The unit enjoys following locational advantages:


1. Rich belt of Milch Animals.                   

2. Good availabilty of green fodder.

3. Situated on the banks of a major river of Allahabad

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